Martha Cook Space Reservation
Use this form when you’d like to hold an event or meeting in Martha Cook. Please read our reservation policies before you make your reservation request and submit this form at least five business days before the event. Approval is not guaranteed.
Media Cart Reservation Request
Use this form if you are a Residence Staff member, Community Center Manager or Hall Director who would like to reserve a media cart for use in a residential hall event.
Munger Graduate Residences Space Reservation
Use this form when you’d like to hold an event or meeting in one of Munger’s community spaces. Your event must support the needs of the Munger community. Please read our reservation policies before you make your reservation request and submit this form at least five business days before the event. Approval is not guaranteed.
Northwood Air Conditioning Registration
Use this form to request installation of your air conditioning unit in Northwood.
Northwood Community SPACE RESERVATION
Use this form when you’d like to hold an event or meeting in your residence. You will find the policies of your residence at the top of the form. Please read the policies carefully. We ask that you submit this form at least ten business days before the event. Approval is not guaranteed.
Reporting An Identity Related Concern or campus climate concern Incident
Siblings Weekend Registration Form
Expecting your sibling(s) for Siblings Weekend this year? Use this form to register their visit.
Solicitation Table Use Guidelines
If you represent a U-M registered/recognized student organization or a Student Life unit, and you wish to provide information to residents, you can request a solicitation table. The solicitation tables are typically located outside residential dining halls. Please read our solicitation table policies before submitting an application. Please submit this form at least two weeks before the date you are requesting.
Undergraduate Housing Space Reservation
Fill out this form when you’d like to hold an event or meeting in one of your building’s spaces. Your event must be in line with the needs of your community. Please read our reservation policies before you make your reservation request. Please submit this form at least ten business days before the event. Approval is not guaranteed.