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Hall Councils & Student Leadership


Your Hall Council is made up of students who live in your residential hall. Its members focus on hall programs and community building. They are also available to bring students’ concerns to the professional residential staff in the building. Serving on your Hall Council will give you an opportunity to build your skills in program development, peer-to-peer advocacy, holistic management and leadership. While you may become involved at any time, Hall Councils are created early in the school year, so if you’d like to become involved in your Hall Council, talk to your RA or hall director after you move in.


Each undergraduate community has a Multicultural Council made up of residents. The Multicultural Councils aim to engage residents in diversity, equity, and inclusion and cultural awareness by organizing community-wide events. If you are interested in joining your multicultural council please contact your community DPE or email [email protected].

Residence Hall Association (RHA)

RHA provides student governance for the entire Michigan Housing residence hall community, including councils. RHA is made up of an executive board and an assembly elected from each Hall Council and Multicultural Council. RHA works to provide programming and campus-wide improvements for the students in the residence halls. Through legislation, committees and policy development, RHA works closely with Housing administration to continuously improve their services and offerings. Learn more about RHA. 


K-Grams is a student sponsored organization through Michigan Housing. K-grams is a mentoring and learning program that pairs college students with elementary school students and together they participate in a suite of programs. More information can be found on the K-grams website.  
