SubFree provides a community for students seeking to live in an environment free of alcohol and drugs. The theme community was created so that students who prefer to live in a substance-free area could do so with the support and respect of their peers. Your RA will provide a variety of social events focusing on education, wellness, and other needs. All students in this theme are committed to a substance-free residential experience.
“My favorite thing about being in the SubFree Theme Community is having people to hang out with on a Friday or Saturday night when everyone else is going out. We’ve had a lot of fun nights watching Netflix, eating Oreos, and playing board games. So if you’re a first-year looking for a group of friends that will be with you for the rest of college, this is definitely the place for you!”
- First-year students
- Participate in welcome activities
- Participate in programs and events
- Adhere to being substance free in the community
- Attend one community building activity led by peers each semester
- Plan one community building activity (with 5 other students) in either the fall or winter semester
To Apply:
Application Opens: April 2, 2025.
You may apply to a Theme Community when you apply for 2025-2026 on-campus housing.