Since 2018, Michigan Housing has provided residential students an opportunity to honor the instructors who make a positive impact on their collegiate journey at the University of Michigan. Michigan Housing is excited to continue to celebrate the incredible faculty and instructors that inspire our students each and every day.
Instructors in bold were nominated by multiple students.
2022-2023 Recipients
Aaron Bush, English Language and Literature
Aaron Ridley, Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering
Adela Carlos-Rios, Latin American Studies
Adelay Witherite, English Language and Literature
Adrion Dula, Romance Languages and Literature
Alyssa Paredes, Anthropology
Amy Gottfried, Chemistry
Ana Popovic, Comparative Literature
Anna Edmonds, Philosophy
Anthony Della Pella, Mathematics
Benjamin Baily, Mathematics
Benjamin Hollenbach, Anthropology
Benjamin Peters, Global Scholars Program
Bethany Hughes, American Culture
Brian P. Coppola, Chemistry
Brittani Parham, Psychology
Carla Cribari-Assali, Residential College
Chaya Norton, Mathematics
Cheryl A. Moyer, Learning Health Sciences
Christian Andre, Chemistry
Christine Modey, Michigan Community Scholars Program
Christopher Crowder, Sweetland Writing Center
Christopher Schad, Asian Studies
Cindee Giffen, Comprehensive Studies Program
Cliff Lampe, Information
Colleen van Lent, Information
Corinne Jones, Communications & Media
Darcy Brandel, Residential College
David Porter, English Language and Literature
David Tamayo, History
Deborah Gordon-Gurfinkel, Residential College
Derrick Yeo, Robotics
Dmitiri Brown, Native American Studies
Donald Malen, Integrative Systems and Design
Doo Jae Park, Sport Management
Douglas Merchant, Linguistics
Ed Cho, Economics
Ehsan Afshari, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Elizabeth Houbeck, Romance Language and Literature
Emily Graetz, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Erin Leary, English Language & Literature
Eugene Bondarenko, Ukrainian & Slavic Languages and Literature
Felix Warneken, Psychology
Florian Gunsilius, Economics
Fred Adams, Physics
Gabrielle Kubi, Psychology
Gary Huffnagle, Microbiology & Immunology
Gary Huffnagle, Romance Languages and Literature
George Hoffmann, Romance Languages and Literature
Hakem Al-Rustom, Anthropology
Hartmut Rastalsky, Germanic Languages and Literature
Heidi Mason, Nursing
Hunjin Jung, Asian Languages and Cultures
Ian Shin, History
Ibrahim Abouarabi, Computer Science and Engineering
Ike Tan, Mathematics
James Heffers, Mathematics
James Juett, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Jason Young, History
Jeff Dunworth, Mathematics
Jennifer Cummins, Psychology
Jennifer Goltz-Taylor, Residential College
Jill Halpern, Mathematics
Joanne Bailey, Women and Gender Studies
John Benedict, Program in the Environment
John Whittier-Ferguson, English Language and Literature
Jon Estrada, Mechanical Engineering
Jonathan Beaumont, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Jonathan Terhorst, Statistics
Jono Sturt, Architecture
Jose Luis Fernandez-Garcia, Romance Languages and Literature
Jovan Jamcev, Chemical Engineering
Juan Cole, History
Juan Diego, Romance Languages and Literature
Judith Rice, Dance
Justin Wolfers, Economics
Kalli Federhofer, Germanic Languages and Literature
Karein Goertz, Residential College
Kate Rubin, Art and Design
Kathleen Forrester, Romance Languages and Literature
Kathleen Nolta, Chemistry
Kelli Sullivan, Anatomical Sciences
Kevin Yanos, Center for Entrepreneurship
Kira Thurman, History
Kwoon Y. Wong, Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Laura Kasischke, English Language and Literature
Laura Motta, Classical Studies
Laury Wood, Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Lawrence La Fountain Stokes, American Cultures
List Harris, Health Sciences Scholars Program
Liz Guilmet, Art and Design
Luiza Duarte Caetanno, Comparative Literature
Mabel Rodriguez, Residential College
Madhumita Lahiri, English Language and Literature
Maia Farrar, English Language and Literature
Mara Bollard, Weinberg Institute
Marcus Darden, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Margo Mahan, Sociology
Marie Pattipati, Sociology
Marisa Joye Smedsrud, Biology
Mark Burde, Residential College
Matthew McManus, Political Science
Matthew Sullivan, Sociology
Meg Garver, English Language and Literature
Melissa Harris, Architecture
Mengze Li, Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering
Michael Johnson, Comprehensive Studies
Michael Keogh, Mathematics
Michael Umbriac, Mechanical Engineering
Michelle Orrecchio, Romance Languages and Literature
Mika Lavaque-Manty, Political Science
Monica Sampson, Social Work
Natasha Abmer, Linguistics
Nathan Nakkapalli, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Nicolai Lehnert, Chemistry
Nicole Tuttle, Chemistry
Nirupama Rao, Business, Economics and Public Policy
Noha Beydoun, Comprehensive Studies Program
Nora Krinitsky, Residential College
Patricia Hall, Music Theory
Paul Horvath, Mathematics
Peter Bodary, Kinesiology
Peter Brauer, Art and Design
PJ McGann, Sociology
Praveen Loganathan, Opportunity Hub
Rachelle Wilson, Romance Languages and Literature
Ralph Crisci, Chemistry
Randall Tessier, Comprehensive Studies Program
Rashmi Rama, Romance Languages and Literature
Rebecca Ann Lange, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Rebecca Christensen, Sociology
Reginald Jackson, Asian Languages and Cultures
Rishi Narayan, Center for Entrepreneurship
Robert Cocherane, Mathematics
Ryan McCarty, English Language and Literature
S. Sandeep Pradhan, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Sabine Gabaron, Romance Languages and Literature
Samuel Jensen, Technical Communications
Sandra Rodriguez-Bontemps, Romance Languages and Literature
Sara Panteri, Classical Studies
Sarah Koch, Mathematics
Sarah Zimmerman, Business Communications
Scott Lyons, English Language and Literature
Scott Neville, Mathematics
Scott Page, Sanger Leadership Institute
Scott Reel, English Language and Literature
Scott Schneider, Mathematics
Serife Tol, Mechanical Engineering
Shelly Schreier, Psychology
Somin Lee, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Stephanie Renteria, English Language and Literature
Stephen DeBacker, Mathematics
Steven Clark, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
Tatiana Calixto, Romance Languages and Literature
Terence McGinn, Sociology
Teresa Piper, Romance Languages and Literature
Tessa Oliveira, Romance Languages and Literature
Theresa Braunschneider, Residential College
Thomas Anderson, Mathematics
Tomoko Okuno, Residential College
Vidya Srinivas, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Vincent Nguyen, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Wendy Gutierrez-Tashian, Residential College
Xiaomeng Li, Asian Languages and Cultures
Yamate Kitahashi, Asian Languages and Cultures
Yarden Katz, American Culture
Yi-Li Wu, Women and Gender Studies
Yujian Fu, Mathematics
Yuri, Popov, Physics
Yuri Zhukov, Political Science