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Marygrove LEAPS Information and FAQs


The Marsal Family School of Education LEAPS Program is located on the Marygrove Campus. The following FAQs are housing-specific. Program-specific FAQs can be found here.

  • What housing application do LEAPS students complete? 
    • LEAPS students complete the same application as any incoming first year student.   Information about timelines can be found here
  • Can LEAPS students apply for a Michigan Learning Community or Theme Community on the Ann Arbor campus? 
    • LEAPS is considered a Michigan Learning Community (MLC).  As such, LEAPS students are not eligible for other residential theme or MLC programs their first year.
  • Where do LEAPS students live? 
    • LEAPS students are placed in Florent Gillet Hall at the Marygrove Campus.
    • Student rooms are a mix of doubles and triples. All rooms have in-suite bathrooms
    • Florent Gillet Hall will have M Housing professional staff on-site (Hall Director) and student staff.
  • What should I do if I have a specific medical or health need that may affect my living situation?
    • The Michigan Housing application will ask you if you have specific needs.  More information can be found here.
  • How do meals work? 
    • LEAPS students will have a meal plan that encompasses a dining plan at the Marygrove Campus and Ann Arbor Campus.

