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Community Living at Michigan (CLAM) is a legally binding adjunct to your Housing contract. Signing your contract signals your agreement to abide by the rules, policies, and regulations presented in the CLAM and the Henderson House Guidelines. Failing to meet the work hour commitment expectations, either deliberately or irresponsibly is prohibited and the resident may be subject to a student conduct process. This can impact a resident’s eligibility to remain in the House.

It is important to understand that Henderson House is a place full of diverse needs, identities, and interests. Residents are expected to engage and work together in multiple capacities amongst differences. In collaboration with the Housing Support and Community Responsibility Office and the Office of Student Conflict Resolution (OSCR), residents will be given support to better understand their conflict style and how to work and resolve conflict across difference. This workshop will be an opportunity to better understand yourself and your fellow residents.

Residents will also learn about the process of Restorative Justice and how it can be implemented at Henderson House. Restorative Justice (RJ) represents a philosophy and a process that acknowledges that when a person does harm, it affects the person(s) they hurt, the community and themselves. When using restorative justice measures, an attempt is made to repair the harm caused by one person to another and to the community so that order is restored for everyone. The Housing Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution (HSCR) Process has been developed with this philosophy in mind. The process strives to resolve conflicts by promoting the understanding and appreciation of the community standards, encouraging residents to take responsibility for their own actions, and engaging all the affected community members in the resolution. With the participation of community members, a resident who has violated the standards is helped to identify the harm caused to the community, find a way to “make it right” and make better choices in the future. In accomplishing these goals, the resident can be reintegrated into a restored community.

Any resident who is documented with a CLAM violation will be required to meet with a professional staff member in University Housing, to discuss how to move forward. Below are several highlighted expectations from the CLAM based on previous inquiries with pertinent information about how they are operationalized in the House. For additional information about the Housing Support and Community Responsibility process, please refer to the conduct process. Below are highlighted expectations based on previous inquiries.


When welcoming a guest into the House for overnight stays, there is a 3-day limit for guests. You are responsible for the behavior of your guests and they must follow University and Michigan Housing policies. It is expected that roommates discuss their preferences with respect to all guest visitation. Residents agree to the following expectations:

  • Residents having overnight guests must sleep in an authorized bedroom, not in a community area.
  • All males must use the restroom and shower in the lower level at all times.

Quiet Hours

Proposed quiet hours are voted on at the beginning of each academic year. At the first House meeting, residents will vote on adjustments to the quiet hours. During these times residents should be more conscious of their volume and may NOT use the phone buzzer or play the piano. If someone is not respecting the quiet hours, please approach them directly but politely. If the problem persists, talk to the RD. There will be extended quiet hours during exam times, so be considerate. Courtesy hours are 24 hours a day.
