Dear Housing Residents:
We want to thank you again for your cooperation and patience as we work through the many details regarding your on-campus housing in this stressful and quickly changing time of the COVID-19 pandemic.
We know many of you already have left campus while others continue to consider your decision given your personal circumstances and the increasing reports of community spread of the virus in the Ann Arbor area.
We write now to share details of a $1,200 refund being offered on your Michigan Housing contract for the 2019-2020 academic year.
For all of you who have already moved out of Michigan Housing or who are able to move out no later than March 25, the university is offering a $1,200 refund. This applies to all undergraduate and graduate students who are able to vacate their university residence hall or university apartment by 5 p.m. March 25.
If you are eligible to receive the $1,200 refund it will be applied to your student account. If there are any unpaid charges on your student account, the refund will be applied first to those charges and any remaining refund will be issued directly to you via direct deposit in the month of April.
To ensure you receive timely payments, please verify that you have accurate direct deposit and permanent address information on file in Wolverine Access (Student Self Service section under Payroll and Compensation). If there is no direct deposit information on file, checks will be mailed to your permanent address on file.
If you already have moved out: All students who already have officially checked out from their residence hall or university apartment – utilizing the Express Check-Out form – will automatically receive the $1,200 refund. No further action will be required.
If you already have left campus and are planning to come back to collect your belongings before March 25, you will have full access to your building with your MCard and room key. Blue Bins and Express Check-Out forms will be available for you at the Community Center.
If you have left campus but plan on coming back to collect your things after March 25, we are here to help. Let us know by emailing us at [email protected], and we will be in touch to work out a time for you to access the building and get the help – and Blue Bins – you need.
If you already have left campus but aren’t able to come back to collect your belongings, don’t worry, we can help. We will make the arrangements and you won’t have to pay. Just fill out this Housing Pack-Up form, and Housing will have your belongings packed up. They can be stored here on campus at no cost, or delivered to you for an additional shipping fee.
If you already have left campus but would like someone else to collect your belongings, that’s also possible. Fill out this Authorization Form, letting us know who will be collecting your things and the approximate date and time they will be coming.
If you already have paid John’s Pack & Ship to pack up and store your belongings, we are working with John’s Pack & Ship to issue refunds for the packing portion of the expenses.
If you are able to move out by March 25: For any student who is able to move out by March 25, be sure to follow Express Check-Out procedures at your residence hall community center.
You will maintain full access to your building with your MCard and room key through 5 p.m. March 25. Blue Bins and Express Check-Out forms will be available for you at the Community Center.
If you wish to go home and need resources or support to accomplish this, emergency financial assistance is available from the Dean of Student’s Office located on the third floor of the Michigan Union. Staff members on-call can be reached at 734-764-7420.
If you wish to stay in Michigan Housing: For students who wish to remain in Michigan Housing, an email will be sent to you to confirm your plans to stay. University residence halls will remain open for all students who need to remain on campus.
Students staying on campus will be provided with appropriate living arrangements following social distancing recommendations. For safety reasons, some students may need to leave their existing rooms, but will be living in single occupancy rooms.
Boxed-meal service will continue from Michigan Dining.
The Maize and Blue Cupboard will remain open through the end of the semester to provide students with additional food and other personal item resources.
For those moving to new locations within Michigan Housing, assistance will be provided to minimize the impact. Housing staff members will be contacting students via email to confirm your status.
We want to again thank you for your patience as we navigate these unprecedented times together.
Simone Himbeault Taylor
Interim Vice President for Student Life
Kambiz Khalili
Associate Vice President for Student Life, Auxiliary Services