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Residence Halls Comparison

Want an overview of our seventeen different residence halls? Here’s an easy way to get at-a-glance information about capacity, room types, floor types and more.

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Residence HallNeighborhoodLiving-Learning Communities# of ResidentsAssignment PatternBathrooms Shared ByMain Room TypesA/CElevatorNearby dining hallsCommunity Kitchen
Alice Lloyd HallCentralLloyd Scholars for Writing and the Arts (LSWA)522All-gender floorsSingle gender floorsFloor WingSinglesDoublesEntire buildingYesHill Dining Center (Mosher-Jordan)/ Markley Dining HallYes
Baits IINorth579Inside suiteSinglesDoublesNoneNoBursley DiningNo
Betsy BarbourCentral83All-female buildingFloorSinglesDoublesNoneYesSouth Quad DiningYes
Bursley HallNorthLiving Arts EngineLiveWell | SubFree Theme Community1276Single gender floorsFloor WingSinglesDoublesTriplesQuadsNoneYesBursley DiningNo
Couzens HallCentralHealth Sciences Scholars Program1st Gen Theme Community510Floor WingSinglesDoublesEntire buildingYesHill Dining Center (Mosher-Jordan)/ Markley Dining HallYes
East QuadrangleCentralResidential CollegeInnovation Theme Community852All-gender corridorsFloor WingSinglesDoublesEntire buildingYesEast Quad DiningNo
Fletcher HallCentral74Single gender floorsFloorSinglesTriplesNoneNoSouth Quad DiningNo
Florent GilletMarygrove CampusAll-gender floorsInside suiteSinglesDoublesTriplesEntire buildingYes
Helen NewberryCentralAdelia Cheever Program Theme Community82Single gender buildingFloorSinglesDoublesNoneYesSouth Quad DiningYes (kitchenette)
Henderson HouseCentral28Single gender buildingFloorSinglesDoublesNoneNoN/A (Henderson House residents prepare their own meals)Yes
Martha Cook BuildingCentral146Single gender buildingFloorSinglesDoublesNoneYesMartha Cook Dining Room (Open to Martha Cook residents only)Yes (kitchenette)
Mary Markley HallCentral1167All-gender floorsSingle gender floorsFloor WingSinglesDoublesTriplesQuadsNoneYesMarkley Dining Hall / Hill Dining Center (Mosher-Jordan)No
Mosher-Jordan HallCentralMichigan Research and Discovery ScholarsWomen In Science and Engineering Residence Program428All-gender floorsSingle gender floorsFloor WingSinglesDoublesEntire buildingYesHill Dining Center (Mosher-Jordan)/ Markley Dining HallYes
North QuadrangleCentralGlobal Scholars ProgramMax Kade German ResidenceInternational Impact Theme Community450All-gender floorsSingle gender floorsInside suiteOn hallway shared by clusters of roomsSinglesDoublesTriplesEntire buildingYesNorth Quad DiningYes
Oxford HousesCentralSustainable Living Experience Theme Community353All-gender floorsSingle gender floorsFloorInside suiteSinglesDoublesTriplesQuadsNoneNoTwigs at OxfordYes (in some houses)
South QuadrangleCentralHonors Program1145All-gender floorsSingle gender floorsFloor WingSinglesDoublesTriplesQuadsNoneYesSouth Quad DiningNo
Stockwell HallCentralSecond Year Experience Theme Community383All-gender floorsSingle gender floorsFloor WingSinglesDoublesEntire buildingYesHill Dining Center (Mosher-Jordan)/ Markley Dining HallYes
West Quadrangle & Cambridge HouseCentralMichigan Community Scholars ProgramMulticultural Housing Community Theme CommunityLiving Business Theme Community1043All-gender floorsSingle gender floorsFloor WingSinglesDoublesTriplesEntire buildingYesSouth Quad DiningYes

Note: In buildings without AC, residents may request window units if there is a medical need.
